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Vini di Giovanni

Vini di Giovanni "Vermentuzzo" 2022

Vini di Giovanni "Vermentuzzo" 2022

Regular price $58.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $58.00 AUD
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Organic, 2 days skin contact, 6 months on lees in stainless, minimal intervention, no sulphur

UMBRIA, Pianello, ITA

A real countryside wine, one that you feel like you could only access walking into a farm in bucolic Umbria, somehow found its way to your glass. It’s special in that sense, one to be savoured. A gentian like quality, making like tonic, citrus plucked from neighbours trees and a smattering of grass. “Vermentuzzo” is a white wine by Giovanni Messina Winery produced from Vermentino grapes, 2 days on the skins, ageing in steel, no addition of sulphites. Raised on the rocky, steep terrain of the Barbagia Mountains of Sardinia, Giovanni Battista Mesina moved with his family to Umbria as a child in search of more peaceful pastures, initially to watch over their sheep (Giovanni is a third-generation shepherd) and make cheese but now, Giovanni also makes cult status natural wines that are much-loved by people all over the world. The homage to his life is all over the beautiful hand drawn labels. 

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